For decades, the world has been at war. A disorganized and asymmetric war of devastation, which according to some has saved the world, by eliminating unemployment.
Technology invented automation, which after 2030 produced a huge unemployment problem. Production is excessive and strangely, there are no jobs. Politicians solved this problem by enlisting the unemployed in the military to replace the banned war robots. It is a perfect solution.
At least, that is what the super-rich and their docile politicians believe. This war is their dream. Their factories sell arms, their construction companies reconstruct, they live like kings and the poor die in glorious battles.
Jarozlava is a Russian assassin and a spy, detained as an enemy combatant by the US Army. Her incredible efficiency and extreme beauty elevate her to the rank of medic, in charge of relimbing wounded soldiers.
Tse is an American Indian, drafted to be a mercenary. His valor qualifies him for enhanced limbs.
Jarozlava lures him to arrange for her escape.
They become a team. Two brutal assassins that think alike and work perfectly together. They inevitably fall in love.
For different reasons, they detest war and try to bring peace to the world.
It is not easy. Jarozlava and Tse must fight against the system, ingrained customs and even human nature.

Jarozlava is a biological robot intrigued by her lack of childhood. Tse is an outstanding enhanced combatant.
This is the interesting story of their battle to pacify a world immersed in total war.
I silently drop to the floor; the crewmembers seem to be distracted by Tse’s deep-toned and slow argumentative cries of innocence. I fix my eyes on the two operating the lasers and crawl like a snake towards their place. They are behind and above the other two, on a shallow upper deck. At the last moment, I propel myself up and punch my dagger between the C4 and C5 vertebrae of the crewmember closest to me. As he falls forward, I use the momentum provided by my grip on the knife to smash my left fist on the cheekbone of the woman handling the other gun, while I push her down, on top of the other guards, who are beginning to look back. I leave them to Tse and turn around, towards an open hatch. An old man with a fancy peaked cap and matching tunic is in front of my path. I push him towards a panel, where he stays, looking broken. A younger officer boasting a beret is grabbing an old-fashioned handgun. I do a somersault and kick him hard with my feet. He rebounds against some hard surfaces and stands still. I see how Tse flashes past me and goes down into the hold of the boat. I hear two hefty sounds and soon Tse is moving up the stairs, at a sedate speed. I decelerate and we kiss. We killed eight crewmembers and I am so happy. He also doesn’t seem to mind. I blame the war that has desensitized us. Although, in reality, I know that this is what I am. I essentially don’t fucking care.

This is the tenth time I watch the movie. The ten minutes movie of my daughter’s Coronation. It’s much more impressive than the scene I watched at the set.
Lights and sounds play with the images, making the show portentous. What a difference from what is saw at Saqqara. Editing, lights, perfectly timed music, and I assume subtle computer enrichments; have created a work of art. It is the grandest Coronation event the world has ever seen.