
Catriona and Ziba have achieved the unthinkable, they have given away their absolute dictatorial power to their people.
Everything and everyone are free, no one works or obeys a boss. Alcubierre faster-than-light ships are available for anyone who wants to travel to the stars. Rebirth bodies are forever young and there is no fear of death. Catriona and Ziba have created utopia.
This is a strange utopia, where people are cheerfully en-joying an allegedly eternal life. There is no money and no greed. There is no political power nor discord. There is no morality nor religion.
There is no fear of personal death, as dead bodies are rapidly replaced by new rebirths. This also means that people live their life in several bodies, which could be equal or different.
However, there is fear of extinction as in its expansion humanity is challenging the perils of the galaxy and the universe.
Meanwhile life goes on for Catriona, Ziba and their girls, for whom orgies, adventures and dread make life worthwhile. enemies. The story of her fight against the system, taking advantage of its trappings and aberrations.
This is her story and of the family she creates.
“Catriona and Ziba,
the sanguinary dictators,
have conquered earth.
Now they face the universe
with the same flair.”


This new order is annoying. Greed and vengeance are inconsequential. Catriona, and Ziba, have made life dull. However, I still don’t understand why the richest person in the world would destroy the power of money. And how she kept the power. My daughter is paradoxically amazing.
‘Grandma, we are here,’ I hear from Inesh, he is an insolent brat. How dares he call me grandma? I look younger than him, and I am younger. I don’t answer.
The opening doesn’t look as well-defined as from a dis-tance. The charred edges are jagged. I enter carefully, so as not to get stuck in one of the protruding spikes.
Inside is scary. I am brave, but this is crazy. Suicidal, they say. Well, seems that death is no longer an issue. I smile as I follow Inesh, who hastily moves scraps of something that is in our way. He looks terrific. I am tempted. Well, here incest is a daily occurrence, and my faux memories tell me that my uncle and my brother fucked me when I was a kid. I will fuck Inesh. I get closer and help him. In the process, I caress his back and torso. He looks at me and smiles. What a smile, I will fuck him! I smile back.
My memories are confused. What happened? I get it, I died, and I am being rebirthed. I see Ziba in front, she has a smile and an espresso cup. I grab the cup, swallow it and then I kiss her. “You suffered when I died?” I ask her.
She laughs.
The intensely fast memories of my rebirths hit me now. Indeed, I am in relativistic time dilation. I feel my multiple joy and laugh. “It’s good to be alive,” I say.
Ziba and my mother’s memories inform me of what happened after I died.
“So, I was killed by automated military protection, operated by an extinct security firm. War is always a mess.”
“What do we do with the bats?” my mother asks.
I think for a moment. “Nothing, they don’t want to work. We revive key players in the ship and activate the braking mechanism. The bats won’t care.”
It’s amazing how the bats became addicted to their virtual dreams during the centuries their trip has been going on. They were the leaders, had the idea of building the ship, and convinced other civilizations to join forces in the project. We must be careful that this never happens to us.